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Writer's pictureLife Cafe

Ch 3: The Beginning

Monday July, 23rd 2018

31 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant

I was getting ready to return to a normal work schedule after the previous week of chaos. As I finished up my usual make up routine, my phone started to vibrate. My doctor's office called to set up an appointment to monitor my blood pressure. (They notified me Saturday that another appointment would be necessary.) The lady on the phone spoke quickly, and I was unable to keep up with her. By the time the call was ending, I not only had one appointment, but several - Tuesday and Friday.

Every Tuesday and Friday until they decided to induce me.

None of it made any sense to me since nothing further was explained.

Sam attended every appointment with me that we had scheduled throughout the pregnancy. I loved that he was by myside every step of the way. However, I knew he wouldn't be able to go with me every Tuesday and Friday for the next 5-7 weeks; and I couldn't ask him to do that. He did agree to go to the first Tuesday appointment so we can have a clear understanding of what was happening but I would be on my own from there.

We both had many questions and anxiously awaited my first appointment.


Tuesday July,24th 2018

31 Weeks & 2 Days Pregnant

Early, the next day was my first appointment, and I could feel my heart pounding. How could I expect a good reading when my heart was beating out of my chest?!

We checking into the clinic and I waited to be called. My heart finally began to calm down until I heard "Jennifer." As we headed down the long hallway, I tried to calm my breathing.

The nurse first did an ultrasound to check the amount of amniotic fluid I had in and around my baby. I was reassured that everything looked great and my daughter had plenty of room to move around. (Although, I already knew the second part based on how much she moves all the time. She takes full advantage of the room to move around). After we finished up the ultrasound, the nurse moved me over to a large recliner where I would soon be hooked up to a blood pressure & fetal monitor for the next 20 minutes. I was feeling as relaxed as possible when the blood pressure cuff started to tighten around my arm. (This use to be a feeling that bothered me but I was slowly getting use to it)

I felt the cuff release the death grip on my arm.

165/106 'How could that be?!' I wasn't stressed, the headache was gone; in fact I felt good. I felt healthy, but apparently my blood pressure readings showed differently.

The second reading finished.

158/103 'Well, it's starting to go down so that counts for something, right?'

Then the final reading took.


The clinic nurse told me that based on my elevated readings, she would have to send me to the main hospital for further observation. Back to OB Triage, I go. As much as I didn't want to go, I knew for the sake of my baby, I would have to. As Sam and I headed to the car to drive over, he told me he would have to drop me off since he still had to go to work. I began to cry. I didn't want to go, but I definitely didn't want to go alone. Sam parked and walked me inside to the check-in desk. I didn't want to let go of his hand. Letting go meant we would be parting ways and I needed him. "You can do it," he said to me as I reluctantly turned to check-in.

The double doors opened telling me it was time to face whatever the day had in store for me.


To Be Continued....

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