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Writer's pictureLife Cafe

Ch 1: Before the Beginning...

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Snapchat - elaineisawsm
Snapchat - elaineisawsm

Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely love talking about my daughter! She’s the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I love every single moment I have spent with her. I love all the milestones she has hit, no matter how big and small and I love watching her grow!

I must admit though, the road to get where we are today wasn’t the smoothest.

In fact it was hard, painful, emotional, and . My daughter was my light at the end of an extremely long tunnel. A tunnel I thought I would never get out of, a tunnel that would truly test me.

Instagram - awsmjenn

I guess for you to better understand, I really should start at the beginning. Well, more like before the beginning…


Wednesday July 18th, 2018

30 weeks & 2 days Pregnant

The alarm went off like any normal day to tell us it was time to get ready for work. Sam rolled over, started to rub my shoulder and as I came to, I felt this beating inside my head. It took me a moment to realize it was my heart beat. I tried lifting my head off my pillow and just couldn’t do it. I knew at that moment I wouldn’t be going anywhere. I had a migraine, something that I don’t get often.

I spent the day sleeping off and on and periodically, Sam checked in on me. He told me his Mom and Aunt checked in to see how the pregnancy was going & addressed concerns about my migraine. I assured him I would be ok, yet the three of them persisted that we schedule an appointment with our midwife to double check. (These are the perks of having family that works in the medical field) I reluctantly agreed and made one for the following day.

Sam made a stop on his way home after work to pick up a blood pressure cuff. When he arrived home and checked my blood pressure, the machine read 166/88. The reading was faulty, it had to be. There was no way my blood pressure skyrocketed in so little time due to a migraine. The appointment the next day would be able to show a more trusted reading.


Thursday July 19th, 2018

30 weeks & 3 days Pregnant

My doctors appointment was at 8 am, and I was still reluctant to go. Sam went with me, of course (probably to make sure I didn’t bail). The midwife started off by asking about my migraine, all the sleep must have helped since it was gone by morning. Then the moment of truth... my blood pressure readings. I never get nervous when I get my blood pressure taken and this time was no different.


They took it again.


I began to feel nauseous and light headed. The midwife decided to send me to the main hospital to OB Triage (ER for Pregnant woman). My headache started coming back & I was getting sicker by the second. Once we arrived, the nurse hooked me up to this large machine that would read the baby's heartbeat and take my blood pressure in 15 minute intervals. I was able to get some fruit to help with the nausea but I didn’t eat too much; just enough to take some Tylenol.

They kept me there for 6 hours, but it felt like a lifetime. Just sitting there getting my arm squeezed over and over every 15 minutes was frustrating and tiring.

The doctor finally came in and explained the next steps in figuring out what happened to cause such a change in my blood pressure. Then if things couldn’t get worse, the doctor told me I would have to do a 24 hour urinalysis to see how much protein my body was putting out.

My first reaction was, “I’m sorry, a what...?”

It was exactly what it sounded like. I was being told I had to collect my pee in an orange container for a full 24 hours!

This was a nightmare!



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