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Ch. 5: New Room

Updated: Feb 7, 2019

Tuesday July, 24th 2018

31 Weeks & 2 Days Pregnant


I just ended my call with Sam as the nurse came in to unhook me from the monitors. She began to wheel my bed out of OB Triage and down the hallway to Labor and Delivery Room # 2. The room was huge. It had an empty baby incubator in one corner and a large couch against the far side of the room, under the window. She informed me that two new nurses from Labor and Delivery will taking over and coming in shortly then shut the door behind her.

Not even a moment later, the door reopened and these two young girls entered the room. They introduced themselves as the Labor & Delivery nurses that would be taking care of me while I’m admitted. They were very polite and sweet, despite everything I was dealing with. As expected, they hooked me back up to all the machines and started the monitoring process all over again. One of the nurses left to grab more Labetalol and the other nurse wrestled with the fetal monitor as my daughter continued to squirm. I found it amusing that my daughter was learning to rebel even before she was born.

They injected another dose of Labetalol into my IV and handed me a cup of water before leaving the room. I felt even more alone in the larger room...

I started to feel the tears welling up inside as my phone began to vibrate; Sam was calling back for an update. I started to fill him in on the room change as one of the girls came back in with a cafeteria menu and instructions on how to order. How was I expected to eat right now? I was far from hungry.

He told me that he would go home on lunch to grab me a bag of clothes and anything else so I could try my best to relax while I was stuck there. I looked at the clock after hanging up and it was barely after 10:30am. I had too much time ahead of me before I would see Sam again.

I called my mom to let her know what was going on. (It was an attempt to not feel so alone) She was busy getting ready to move to a new house the coming weekend. I didn’t want to put any more stress on her, so I didn’t go into the details that unfolded in the hours before. It was a quick call and I was alone once again

The next couple hours crept by as slow as they could. I heard a knock on the door, and even though I really didn’t want to see any more nurses, the door open anyways. To my surprise, it wasn’t a nurse. Sam’s mom worked in the clinic across the street and walked over to see how I was doing. I was more relieved to see a familiar face and began to fill her in on the events of the day. Not long after she arrived, I finally had my wish answered, Sam walked through the door. He had my colorful bag of clothes, a book, and our IPad to keep me company until he could return to me after work. When it came time for him to leave, Sam and his mom left together. It was hard to let go.

The rest of the day didn’t go quite as slow as the morning. I finally ordered lunch and tried to eat what I could, but I was too emotionally exhausted.

Later in the afternoon, I was getting sleepy and was just about to try and fit a nap in between the many blood pressure readings before I was interrupted by the nurses who informed me I would be moving rooms once again…

You have got to be joking?! Since my blood pressure was on a slow decline, I was being transferred. I wasn’t labeled a high risk anymore (At least it was a good sign)

The nurse gathered my things and rolled me out of Labor & Delivery room #2 and into postpartum room #8. This new room also meant that the constant monitor could stop and the nurse would only be in every couple hours to get a new blood pressure reading. The new room meant I was headed in the right direction, however, it was half the size of the labor and delivery room. I was mostly happy to see I still had a window.

Sam finally got off work and joined me once again. He planned on staying the night and even though I told him that it wasn’t necessary, I was so grateful he didn’t listen. Neither one of us slept that night between the nurses coming in and out, the uncomfortable bed & couch and the different surroundings. I was ready for the morning to come just so I could go home!


Wednesday July, 25th 2018

31 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant

When morning came, I anxiously awaited the doctor to come see me. Finally, I heard a knock on the door, and the doctor entered. “We tracked your numbers through the night. You won’t be going home today.”


To Be Continued....

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